EDMONDSON PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL Protector Australia was hired to create a Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) solution for Edmonson Park Public School. The site required Trapits in each pit and 29XTR filters in a Water Quality Chamber with a surface area of 10 square meters, according to the MUSIC model. The plumber and builder preferred […]
Heathdale Christian College
Heathdale Christain College Heathdale Christian College had five Hydrovault tanks desgined and manufactured by Protector Australia for stormwater retention and reuse. The Heathdale Christian College involved the construction of five Hydrovault tanks with a diameter of 3 meter and length of 20 meters, each with a capacity of 134k liters, for site stormwater retention. Protector […]
Child Care CentreProject
Child Care Centre Project Project Description Protector Australia wascommissioned to provide the WSUD requirements for the site at WAHROONGA Child Care Centre, the MUSIC model required the site to have Trapits in each site Pit and 3 XTR filters in the Water Quality Chamber. Protector’s solution was the preferred option.